Characters in the count of monte cristo
Characters in the count of monte cristo

characters in the count of monte cristo

This scandal destroys Villefort, and causes Madame Danglars to faint during a trial that revealed it all.

characters in the count of monte cristo

Madame Danglars believed it to be dead upon its birth. Monsieur de Villefort buried this child alive. Previously, she had been the lover of Monsieur de Villefort with whom she had a child. She is currently usurping much of her husband's fortunes with her lover Monsieur Debray.

characters in the count of monte cristo

He destroys Danglars by destroying his fortune. His wife and he are alienated, especially when his wife, as money hungry as he, ruins part of his fortune. He becomes a banker with an incredible fortune and a Baron. He becomes captain of the Pharaon once Dantes is imprisoned. Danglarsĭanglars is the mastermind behind the letter, which incriminates Dantes. Albert has his mother's noble character, thus he renounces his fortune and name, and leaves to seek his own glory and fortune in the army. At first he challenges the Count to a duel, however, his mother relates to him the truth, after which he apologizes to the Count. He is shamed however, when Monte Cristo reveals the treachery of his father. He thus introduces his savior into Parisien society. The Count's son is befriended and saved from bandits by the Count of Monte Cristo in Italy. He surrendered the Greek city to the Turks, and sold Ali's wife and daughter into slavery. He betrayed his benefactor in Greece, Ali Pasha. He commits suicide after Monte Cristo reveals his military treason. Military glory brought him a fortune, and he changed his name to Count de Morcerf. Fernand Mondego/Count de Morcerfįernand was the fisherman who betrayed Dantes because he was in love with Mercedes. Mercedes shall finish her life in a convent.

characters in the count of monte cristo

This knowledge causes her and her son to abandon their name and fortune. He accepts, yet tells her of her husband's treachery. She then visits Monte Cristo to plead for her son's life. She alone recognizes Dantes when he returns as Monte Cristo, however, she keeps silent until her son challenges Monte Cristo to a duel for having destroyed his father's honor. They become the Count and Countess de Morcerf. She thus marries Fernand, who has amassed military glory. She is comforted by Mondego, but she loses hope of ever regaining Dantes. When Dantes is imprisoned she cares for Dantes' father until his death. She is the fiancee of Dantes who is wronged by the man whom she thought of as a brother, Fernand Mondego. Mercedes is a poor Catalan, yet she is noble and beautiful. When the Abbe dies, Dantes replaces his body in the Abbe's body bag in order to escape. He sees Dantes as a son, thus before he dies of apoplexy, the Abbe tells Dantes of a treasure that is buried on the Isle of Monte Cristo. Thus, he instills vengeance in his young protégé. He also helps Dantes figure out who was responsible for his imprisonment. The Abbe spends the next few years educating Dantes in the sciences, literature, and languages. The Abbe has made his own tools and has also written a treatise while incarcerated. The old Abbe had tried to tunnel h is way to freedom, however, a miscalculation brought him to Dantes' cell. This is the Abbe who saves Dantes from suicide. He reaffirms the justification for his deeds when he visits the Chateau D'If and asks to see his former cell. In the end, the death of Villefort's young son causes Monte Cristo to question his God-like role. He truly believes that he has the right to act as divine justice by punishing the sins of his enemies. The knowledge and fortune that Abbe Faria imparted to him allows him to accomplish this goal. Dantes assumes the role of the Italian priest, Abbe Busoni as well as the role of the Count of Monte Cristo to avenge the wrongs committed against the hopeful nineteen year old sailor he once was. He no longer is the same man once he breaks free, the lion of vengeance has grown in his soul. Buy Study Guide Edmond Dantes/Abbe Busoni/Count of Monte Cristoĭantes, the naïve sailor from Marseilles, is imprisoned as a political criminal in the Chateau D'If.

Characters in the count of monte cristo